Canova: Sketching in Clay

We spent an uncrowded Tuesday morning slowly wandering awestruck through this NGA exhibit which features not only completed works in marble but SKETCH MODELS IN CLAY that preceded them—with visible marks of tools, quick changes, fingerprints—giving the viewer a glimpse of Canova’s thinking and process. (I was sketching on a page begun earlier; sorry to confuse.)

Hill Center Exhibition

My gun control comic, “Thoughts and Prayers,” has been accepted into the Hill Center Galleries annual regional exhibition. I don’t know how THAT’s going to look hanging among the paintings and sculpture. But I’m glad it’s there. The opening reception is Wednesday, June 27th, 6:30 to 8:30pm. Come one, come all!

If you can’t make the reception, and do not already know the Hill Center on Capitol Hill, located in the renovated Old Naval Hospital, you ought to check out its wonderful series of events and activities.


Those Pesky Immigrants

Columbus Day is an opportunity to ponder immigration, an especially rich subject during the current election season. The image below, created for this holiday, is part of the all-media Op-Ed exhibit at the Art League Gallery at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, Virginia. Come to the opening reception October 13th for a look at a range of opinionated work.

(click twice to enlarge)



Each Day is a Celebration: Exhibition

On Thursday, October 8th, an exhibition of my paintings will open at the Art League Gallery at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, Virginia. It will run through November 1st. The show will include the work I did while living in France, as well as before and since. All the information is below. I hope some of you will come to see it—and perhaps even make the opening reception that evening. 

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Harrington Card back


